
I’m T.Y. Kui, a Chinese nonbinary trans man (he/she/any neopronouns) and communist currently living in Tkaronto, which is illegally occupied Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory covered by the Dish with One Spoon agreement. I made this blog to dump disorganized longer-form thoughts, likely mostly about policing and declassified documents but potentially also about COVID-19 and other round-ups of information.

I like blogs because they’re a somewhat more permanent, reliable way of sharing information online, but they still feel pretty casual. Too often, information is only available on social media sites. People or their posts get deleted, suspended, etc.—but even if they don’t, that information just gets buried, and it’s often almost impossible to find again.

I don’t consider myself a professional writer, but I occasionally write more formally:

You can reach me at tykui at riseup dot net.